Thanks for your interest about becoming a member of PICES
Before you fill out this online form, please take a moment to read the following instructions
The Form
The first section of this online form is about you, who you are, where you reside, how we can contact you, if you are a practicing artist, if you are a new or renewing member, and what skills you have that you would like to share with PICES
Your skills
As a volunteer organisation, we are always looking for anyone who has skills and experiences that they would like to offer PICES. This can be anything from catering, marketing, organisational skills, grant applications, technology or just being an extra pair of hands when needed. If this sounds like you, please tell us a bit about what you would like to offer
PICES Membership fees are $20 per annum and are due for renewal on December 31, each year. Alternatively if you simply want to donate, we'd be delighted . Two payment options are available
The Process
On receipt of your online application and payment, PICES Membership officer will email you a receipt and letter of acknowledgement
In accordance with PICES constitution, your application details will be forwarded to the next Committment meeting for their endorsement (held XX XX of the month) Once endorsed you will recieve a further email confirming the status of your application and its endorsementalong with a welcome message from PICES