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Since early 2019, Phillip Island Contemporary Exhibition Space inc. (PICES) passionately pursued its goal to secure a high-quality, professional, contemporary exhibition space in Cowes that provides artists with an affordable accessible venue to showcase their work, encourage participation from all areas of the community, and attract visitors and tourists to the region. In November 2023 that goal was realised with the opening of the Art gallery in Berninneit Cowes.


Why we need a contemporary exhibition space

With over 5,000 practicing artists throughout Gippsland region including  over 400 on Phillip Island alone, PICES saw a real need to actively develop new opportunities to support artists and inspire the rapidly expanding residential and tourist populations.  


We have now run five highly successful 'Pop-Up' exhibitions which have been strongly supported by the community, the media and contemporary artists alike.  As we move toward the future, PICES will continue to presents its Summer Exhibitions working collaboratively with the Artists Society of Phillip Island Region (ASPIR), Bass Coast Shire Council (BCSC), other community groups and kindred organisations so Phillip Island is recognised as a premium destination for the arts.  Our 2022-2027 Strategic Plan demonstrates our commitment  to building a healthy momentum of programs in support of the BCSC Arts and Culture Strategy 2019-2029.



What we do.....




  • Work with artists & venues to bring opportunities to our region


  • Lobby government to raise contemporary arts profile in their regional plans



  • Co-ordinate & curate a schedule of exhibits 


  • Collaborate with and support like-minded groups to establish new initiatives



  • Promote the growth and diversity of talent 


  • Provide avenues for showcasing high quality contemporary art



  • Apply best-practice in all PICES activities 


  • Provide leadership and support to local artists 

What people say...

The PICES Pop-up Exhibitions have opened up a whole new world for my art and added invaluable momentum to my growth as an artist - I feel my success is a credit to how PICES help artists grow personally and professionally

Carolyne Jane
Exhibiting Artis

Beautiful work displayed.  It would be great for Cowes visitors to have this opportunity more often. 


Great to see local art. Permanent site needed for our artists to shine!

Steve & Penny

Every week has been such a delight - so wonderful to see so many artworks from so many of our local artists - some I didn't know were artists! Thankyou X




Our Team

As a not-for-profit organisation PICES is run by a highly active Committee of passionate and experienced artists and art lovers with the support of over sixty members and volunteers.   Together we  harness our creativity, enthusiasm, wide range of talents and experience to achieve the planning and execution of arts initiatives across our region.

The broader team.....

Our PICES volunteers are an amazing group of people who play a vital role in the exhibitions and events we create to facilitate the growth of talent in the region. They are at the heart of who we are and what we do and work tirelessly to help us to achieve our goals. The saying "many hands make light work" has never been truer and we always like to connect with like-minded people who want to become part of the creative future for art in the Phillip Island community.

PICES Volunteers

Our Sponsors & Partners

Our efforts at PICES would not be possible without the financial support of our sponsors and the collaboration of our partners across the Gippsland region - Their commitment to our vision and mission continues to drive our momentum and success  to ensure the on-going delivery of unique artistic expression and appreciation in our region.  Click the links below to find out more about their arts related programs.

Bass Coast Shire Council Logo.png
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